Hubungan Antara Hospitalisasi Anak dengan Tingkat Kecemasan Orang Tua

Dyna Apriany


As a reference hospitals in regency that still has a lot of limitations in both medical devices and health of counseling has the potential to cause great concern that society will live treatment in both the short and long term. This study aimed to determine the relationship of length of staf (hospitalization) children with levels of parental concern. The method of research used is an observational analysis. Samples were parents of children who were treated in the Regency hospital Class B Cianjur 2013. The sampling technique used in this research were consecutive sampling. The data collection used are primary data that obtained directly from respondents through a questionnaire. Data analysis with simple linear regression. Hospitalization of Children affects the level of parental concern by 8.3% and the remaining 91.7% level of parental concern is influenced by other variables. Results of statistical tests obtained no significant relationship between the length of stay of children with parental concern levels (p: 0.007). Ners should be able to give support to parents, information support, emotional support,valuation support, and instrumental support.


observational analysis; LOS; hospitalization; anxiety

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