Hubungan Pola Asuh Orang Tua terhadap Kemampuan Sosialisasi pada Anak Prasekolah di TK Pertiwi Purwokerto Utara

Joko Tri Suharsono, Aris Fitriyani, Arif Setyo Upoyo


The future and development of children would be really depends on experience they have got, include the education and different kinds of parents care pattern that consist of democratic, permissive, and authoritarian care pattern. The social ability is not just intelligences and capabilities but also social adaptabilities, social skills, and social acceptance. The mistakes in social adaptation have a consequence that the children could not adapt well, even in social way or personal way. The aim of this research is to know the correlation of parent’s care pattern with social ability preschool children in Pertiwi Kindergarten North Purwokerto.The method was analytic correlation with cross sectional approximation. The population in this research was 324 people include every parent and every student in Pertiwi Kindergarten North Purwokerto. The sample of this research was 76 respondents as long as the research from October until November 2008, inclusion and exclusion qualified. Data analysis method with Chi Square. The univariate analysis showed 25 % with authoritarian care pattern, 30,3 % with permissive care pattern, and 44,7% parents with democratic care pattern. The analysis in children social ability showed 42,1 % substantial, 26,3 % moderate, and 31,6 % have limited social ability. The children with authoritarian care pattern have 5,3 % children with substantial social ability, 36,8 % moderate, and 57,9 % children with limited social ability. The children with permissive care pattern have 17,4 % substantial, 43,5 % moderate, and 39,1 % children with limited social ability. The children with democratic care pattern have 79,4 % children with substantial social ability, 8,8 % moderate, and 11, 8 % children with limited social ability. The bivariat analysis of correlation between the parents care pattern to social ability in preschool children with p < 0,05 show that there is significant correlation the parent’s care pattern with social ability preschool children in Pertiwi Kindergarten North Purwokerto with p = 0,000. There is significant correlation between the parent’s care pattern with social ability preschool children in Pertiwi Kindergarten North Purwokerto (p = 0,000)The future and development of children would be really depends on experience theyhave got, include the education and different kinds of parents care pattern that consist ofdemocratic, permissive, and authoritarian care pattern. The social ability is not justintelligences and capabilities but also social adaptabilities, social skills, and social acceptance.The mistakes in social adaptation have a consequence that the children could not adapt well,even in social way or personal way.The aim of this research is to know the correlation of parent’s care pattern with socialability preschool children in Pertiwi Kindergarten North Purwokerto.The method was analyticcorrelation with cross sectional approximation. The population in this research was 324 peopleinclude every parent and every student in Pertiwi Kindergarten North Purwokerto. The sampleof this research was 76 respondents as long as the research from October until November2008, inclusion and exclusion qualified. Data analysis method with Chi Square.The univariate analysis showed 25 % with authoritarian care pattern, 30,3 % withpermissive care pattern, and 44,7% parents with democratic care pattern. The analysis inchildren social ability showed 42,1 % substantial, 26,3 % moderate, and 31,6 % have limitedsocial ability. The children with authoritarian care pattern have 5,3 % children with substantialsocial ability, 36,8 % moderate, and 57,9 % children with limited social ability. The children withpermissive care pattern have 17,4 % substantial, 43,5 % moderate, and 39,1 % children withlimited social ability.The children with democratic care pattern have 79,4 % children with substantial socialability, 8,8 % moderate, and 11, 8 % children with limited social ability. The bivariat analysis ofcorrelation between the parents care pattern to social ability in preschool children with p < 0,05show that there is significant correlation the parent’s care pattern with social ability preschoolchildren in Pertiwi Kindergarten North Purwokerto with p = 0,000. There is significantcorrelation between the parent’s care pattern with social ability preschool children in PertiwiKindergarten North Purwokerto (p = 0,000)


pra sekolah; keperawatan anak

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