Hubungan antara Pre-Eklamsia pada Primi-Gravida dengan Berat Badan Lahir Rendah di RSUD Cilacap Periode Januari-Desember 2005

Yuni Asih, Saryono, Puji Kurniati


Indonesia is under developing country which has the highest percentages of the mother
mortals in ASEAN, about 95% that is caused by obstetric complication. Preeklampsia and Eklampsia
were the second main cause of the mother mortals. The account of the Preeklampsia on the period of
September 2004-September 2005 were up to 77 cases. The aim of this research was to find out the
relationship between the Preeklampsia a primigravida and the Low Birth Weight in Regional Public
Hospita of Cilacap on the period January to December 2005. This research used cross sectional
aprroach. The population were all of the Mawar room's pregnant women of the Regional Public
Hospital of Cilacap on the period of January - December 2005. The data collection used the
observation paper of the medical data record and register book of the Mawa room's midwife of
Regional Public Hospital of Cilacap. The account of the Preeklampsia on primigravida in Regional
Publik Hospital of Cilacap on the period of January-December 2005 were 52 cases (59,1%). The
result of the chi square analysis showed that a relationship between the Preeklampsia on
primigravida and the Low Birth Weight (p<0,05, x2 = 153.935). There was a relationship between the
Preeklampsia or primigravida and the Low Birth Weigth in Regional Public Hospital of Cilacap

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