Kejadian Ekstravasasi Obat Kemoterapi pada Pasien Kanker

Marisa Junianti Manik


Chemotherapy is a cancer management with drugs. The complication that can be occurred is extravasation. The objective of this study was to analyze factors such as vein conditions, type of medications/chemotherapeutic agents, volume of chemotherapeutic agents, and their correlation with chemotherapy drugs extravasation incidences. This study used cross-sectional observational analytic design, with purposive sampling. The sample of this study was 70 cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy in hospitals. Inclusive criteria were patients with ages 18-65 in their first to fifth cycle of chemotherapy. The observation form was used as research instrument. The study showed that there were no correlation between vein conditions, type of medications/chemotherapeutic agents, and volume of chemotherapeutic agents with extravasation. Most veins were still in good condition while undergoing chemotherapy. The length of time for administering chemotherapy were mostly <24 hours, which contributed for reducing risk for extravasation, although the type of medication used were irritants and vesicants, and with drugs volume of 100–1000 milliliter. The incidences of extravasation that were immediately can be observed during chemotherapy occurred 7.14% of the time. It was possibly occurred by medical devices used, such as infusion pump that was facilitated the nurses in early anticipate drugs leakage outside the veins tissue. Nurses’ roles also contributed to reduced extravasation risks. As conclusion, the results shown there were no correlation statistically; however there might be other contributing factors that need to be explored furthermore.


extravasasion; ekstravasasi; agent; chemotherapy; cancer

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