Efektifitas Kombinasi Teknik Marmet Dan Pijat Oksitosin terhadap Produksi Asi Ibu Post Seksio di Rumah Sakit Wilayah Jawa Tengah

Eko Mardiyaningsih, Setyowati, Luknis Sabri


The research background was the deflation of breast-milk production during the first day after bearing. The objective of this research was to perceive the effectiveness of combination of marmet techniques and oxytocin massage to breast-milk production on post cesarean section women. This was an quasi experiment research using post test only design with a control group. Samples were collected with non-probability sampling techniques which was consecutive sampling, involving 54 total samples. Research result shows there is a difference between the proportion of breast milk production smoothness among controlled group and intervention group (p value=0.000). This study also shows that post cesarean section women given combination of marmet technique and oxytocin massage have 11.5 greater opportunity to have smooth breast-milk production compared to controlled group (OR= 11.500).

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