Optimalisasi Ceramah Spiritual (Islam) dalam Penurunan Tingkat Stres Penderita Kusta Reaktif
Leprosy disease still represents the problem of the world of very complex. The problem does not only from facet of health physic- but also extending until social problem, economic, cultural, security and national resilience. The big of stressor for leprosy will generate the disease transportation; journey going worse and optimalization deliver a lecture the spiritual (Islam) in degrading storey; level stress to leprosy reaction still need clarification. Research method is Quasy Experiment Design, sample taken by using techniques of purposive sampling with a number of 10 people at Hospital of Leprosy Sumber Glagah Mojokerto. Analyze by Wilcox on signed rank test, with the meaning storey; level 95%.
Result of research show the decrease level of stress after conducted by discourse spiritual (Islam) at leprosy of type of Reversal and ENL that is by = 0,05, got by p = 0,003, From this research result is researcher suggest, for it self leprosy to develop; build the adaptive coping which do not get out of the support of family of society fund, and also for health worker that is Nurse can identify and implementation with a way of develop; building adaptive coping and can decreasing the level of stress leprosy.
Result of research show the decrease level of stress after conducted by discourse spiritual (Islam) at leprosy of type of Reversal and ENL that is by = 0,05, got by p = 0,003, From this research result is researcher suggest, for it self leprosy to develop; build the adaptive coping which do not get out of the support of family of society fund, and also for health worker that is Nurse can identify and implementation with a way of develop; building adaptive coping and can decreasing the level of stress leprosy.
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