Hubungan Pemeriksaan Kehamilan dengan Kelahiran Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah (BBLR) di Puskesmas Kecamatan Kramat Jati Jakarta-Timur
One of the indicators to measure people health level is the infant mortality rate (IMR). Indonesian infant mortality rate is considered high. The cause of the mortality is mostly due to prenatal problems. All of newborn stills are because of the low-weight newborn delivery. Low weight newborn infant are influenced by education level, mothers’ age, and lack of pregnancy checking. The purpose of this research is to identify the relation between pregnancy checking of the pregnant mothers and the low-weight newborn infant in the Puskesmas of Kramat Jati District, East Jakarta. The research type is descriptive correlation. A list of 20 questions was used to collect the data from 30 respondents. The reliability test shows that the cronbach’s alpha r is 0.774; it means that the instrument (the questioner) is reliable. Univariate and bivariate analysis were used to analyze data.
The results of this research are: (1) the average age of the respondents is 27.2 years old with 18 years old as the youngest and 42 years old as the oldest; (2) most respondents have graduated from junior high school; (3) most respondents work as housewives / homemakers; (4) the average of low-weight newborn infant is 2296.67 gram with 1600 grams as the lowest and 2500 as the highest; (5) mothers lacking of pregnancy checking is 53.3% while those regularly checking their pregnancy is 46.7%. The conclusion of this research, which is about the relation between pregnancy checking and low-weight newborn infant in the Puskesmas of Kramat Jati District, is the p = 0.144 which means there is no significant difference in the average weight between low-weight newborn infant from mothers lacking of pregnancy checking and those from mothers regularly checking their pregnancy.
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